Rhea Gustavsson
aka Rhea Ayase
writes and teaches C# code on Linux. Rhea the Biker and a Senior Game Developer. Formerly known for her exploits in the Linux world as the .NET QE Lead at Red Hat.

Get in touch…

You can find Rhea on Discord with rhea as the username. Do not send friend requests, they’re blocked due to extreme spam. You can however send a DM - you can join Valhalla below if you need a common server to do so.

Don’t just say hi, or “how are you” - that will get you blocked immediately. Introduce yourself. Say who you are and why you’re messaging.

You can join Valhalla - friends group, twitch subscribers, rp & gaming, movie nights, etc…

Other presence…

Bot projects on GitHub, such as the Valkyrja bot - server status

Some of the Discord servers that Rhea is responsible for: